How to Subscribe to Azure Functions outage?

How to Subscribe to Azure Functions outage?

Azure Functions is a serverless compute service that enables you to run code on-demand without managing any infrastructure. Although Azure Functions is designed to be highly available and scalable, there might be rare occasions when an outage occurs. 

In this blog, we'll discuss how you can subscribe to Azure Functions outage notifications to stay informed about any service disruptions. 

Azure Functions Outage Notifications

Azure Functions provides several channels for receiving outage notifications, including:

 Azure Service Health: Azure Service Health provides a personalized dashboard to monitor the health of your Azure services. You can configure Service Health to send you email or SMS notifications when there are service issues affecting your Azure Functions. 

Azure Status: Azure Status provides a global view of the health of all Azure services. You can view current and historical service issues on the Azure Status page, and subscribe to RSS or Atom feeds to receive updates. 

Azure Functions Twitter: The Azure Functions team regularly updates their Twitter feed with service status updates and notifications of any outages. 

Azure Functions GitHub: The Azure Functions GitHub repository provides updates on service issues and bug fixes. refer Subscribe to Azure Announcements

How to Subscribe to Azure Functions Outage Notifications

To subscribe to Azure Functions outage notifications, follow these steps: 

  • Sign in to the Azure portal ( 
  • Navigate to the Azure Service Health dashboard by clicking on the Service Health icon in the left-hand navigation menu. 
  • Click on the "Add Alert" button in the top navigation bar. 
  • Choose "Azure Functions" from the "Resource Type" dropdown list. 
  • Choose the Azure Functions resource for which you want to receive outage notifications. 
  • Configure the notification settings, including the notification type (email or SMS) and the recipient email or phone number. 
  • Click "Create Alert Rule" to save the notification settings. 

Alternatively, you can subscribe to Azure Status updates by navigating to the Azure Status page ( and clicking on the "Subscribe to Updates" button. You can then choose to subscribe to email, RSS, or Atom feeds for Azure Functions. 


Subscribing to Azure Functions outage notifications is an important step in ensuring that you stay informed about any service disruptions that might affect your applications. By configuring notifications in Azure Service Health, Azure Status, or following Azure Functions on Twitter or GitHub, you can quickly and easily receive updates on any outages or service issues affecting your Azure Functions.

Overview of all trigger type in Azure functions

 Overview of all trigger type in Azure functions

Azure Functions are a type of serverless computing that allow developers to run small pieces of code, called functions, without having to worry about managing the infrastructure. Azure Functions can be triggered by a variety of events, or triggers, such as HTTP requests, messages from a queue, or updates to a database. 

Let's dive into the different trigger types available in Azure Functions. 

HTTP Trigger

The HTTP trigger allows you to invoke your Azure Function by making an HTTP request. This is typically used when you want to create a REST API or expose an endpoint that can be called by a client application. The HTTP trigger can be configured to accept different HTTP methods, such as GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, etc. 

Timer Trigger

The timer trigger allows you to run your Azure Function on a schedule. You can specify the schedule using a CRON expression, which allows you to define complex schedules such as "every weekday at 9am and 5pm". The timer trigger is useful for tasks such as periodic data processing or sending out reports on a regular basis. 

Blob Trigger

The blob trigger allows you to run your Azure Function whenever a new or updated blob is added to a storage account. This trigger is useful when you need to process files as they are uploaded, such as converting an image to a thumbnail or processing a video file. 

Queue Trigger

The queue trigger allows you to run your Azure Function whenever a new message is added to a queue in Azure Storage or Azure Service Bus. This trigger is useful for processing messages in a queue, such as sending out email notifications or processing orders. 

Event Grid Trigger

The Event Grid trigger allows you to run your Azure Function in response to an event published by Azure Event Grid. Event Grid is a service that allows you to react to events happening in Azure resources, such as a new virtual machine being created or a storage account being updated. The Event Grid trigger is useful when you want to react to changes happening in Azure resources. 

Service Bus Trigger

The Service Bus trigger allows you to run your Azure Function whenever a new message is added to a queue or topic in Azure Service Bus. This trigger is useful for processing messages in a queue or topic, such as processing orders or sending out notifications. 

Cosmos DB Trigger

The Cosmos DB trigger allows you to run your Azure Function whenever there is a change in the data stored in Cosmos DB. This trigger is useful for reacting to changes in data, such as updating a search index or sending out notifications. 

Durable Functions

Durable Functions are a type of Azure Function that allow you to create stateful workflows. They can be triggered by any of the above trigger types, and are useful when you need to create a workflow that involves multiple steps or when you need to orchestrate a long-running process. 

In conclusion, Azure Functions provide a wide variety of triggers that allow you to run your code in response to different events. By understanding the different trigger types available, you can choose the appropriate one for your specific use case and build powerful serverless applications

Azure functions "XXX was disallowed by policy"

Azure functions "XXX was disallowed by policy"

Azure Functions is a serverless computing platform that allows developers to run small pieces of code, called functions, in the cloud. These functions can be triggered by events such as HTTP requests or database updates, and can be written in a variety of programming languages. While Azure Functions is a powerful tool for building and deploying applications, it can sometimes be difficult to troubleshoot errors that occur during development or deployment. 

One common error that developers encounter when working with Azure Functions is the "XXX was disallowed by policy" error message. This error message typically indicates that an action or operation performed by the function has been blocked by Azure policy. In this blog post, we will explore some common causes of this error message and provide some tips for troubleshooting and resolving the issue. 

  • Check Azure Policy Settings

The first step in troubleshooting the "XXX was disallowed by policy" error is to check the Azure policy settings for your subscription. Azure policy is a service that allows you to create and enforce rules for resources in your subscription. These rules can help you ensure compliance with regulations and industry standards, as well as improve security and manage costs.

To check your Azure policy settings, go to the Azure portal and navigate to the Policies tab. Here, you can view and manage your policy definitions, assignments, and exemptions. Look for any policies that may be blocking the operation or action performed by your function, and adjust the policy settings as needed.

  • Enable Diagnostic Logging

Enabling diagnostic logging can help you identify the cause of the "XXX was disallowed by policy" error message. Diagnostic logs can provide detailed information about the operation or action that triggered the error, as well as any policy violations that occurred.

To enable diagnostic logging, go to the Monitoring tab in the Azure portal and select Diagnostics settings. Here, you can configure diagnostic settings for your function app, including which logs to collect and where to store them.

  • Contact Azure Support

If you have tried all of the above troubleshooting steps and are still unable to resolve the "XXX was disallowed by policy" error message, contact Azure support for assistance. Azure support can help you diagnose and troubleshoot the issue, and may be able to provide additional guidance on how to resolve the issue.

In conclusion, the "XXX was disallowed by policy" error message can be a frustrating issue to encounter when working with Azure Functions. 

By following the troubleshooting steps outlined in this blog post, you can quickly identify and resolve the issue, allowing you to get back to developing and deploying your applications.

Azure functions coding best practices with examples

Azure functions coding best practices with examples

Azure Functions is a serverless compute service that enables developers to build and deploy event-driven, serverless applications at scale. It provides a fully managed, platform-as-a-service (PaaS) environment for building and running microservices-based applications. To help developers build high-quality and scalable Azure Functions, here are some coding best practices to follow:

  • Keep Functions Small and Focused

Each Azure Function should do one specific task and nothing else. Avoid creating a large function that performs multiple tasks, as it can make your code difficult to read, test, and maintain. Instead, break your code into smaller functions that perform individual tasks, and compose them to create more complex workflows.

For example, consider an e-commerce application that sends a confirmation email when a customer places an order. Instead of creating a single function that retrieves order details, composes an email, and sends it, break it into three smaller functions: one to retrieve order details, one to compose an email, and one to send the email.

  • Use Dependency Injection

Azure Functions supports dependency injection (DI), which is a design pattern that enables you to decouple your code by injecting dependencies into functions. It makes your code more modular, testable, and easier to maintain. Use DI to inject dependencies such as database connections, services, and configurations.

For example, let's say you have a function that needs to access a database to retrieve data. Instead of creating a new database connection every time the function is called, use DI to inject the database connection as a dependency.

  • Use Logging and Tracing

Logging and tracing are essential for troubleshooting and monitoring your Azure Functions. Use a logging framework such as Azure Application Insights to log events and exceptions. Use tracing to track the execution path of your functions.

For example, consider a function that retrieves data from a database. Use tracing to track the execution path of the function, such as when it connects to the database, retrieves data, and returns the result. Use logging to record any exceptions that occur during the execution of the function.

  • Use Environment Variables

Use environment variables to store important information such as connection strings, API keys, and passwords. It enables you to change the configuration of your application without modifying your code.

For example, let's say you have a function that connects to a database. Instead of hard-coding the connection string in your code, use an environment variable to store it.

Note: You can store sensitive information in key-vault which is more secure and use in App Setting.

  • Use Async/Await

Azure Functions supports asynchronous programming, which enables you to write code that doesn't block the execution of the function. Use the async/await keywords to write asynchronous code.

For example, consider a function that retrieves data from a database. Use async/await to perform the database query asynchronously, so the function can continue to execute while the query is running.

  • Use Continuous Integration and Deployment

Use continuous integration and deployment (CI/CD) to automate the deployment of your Azure Functions. Use a CI/CD pipeline to build, test, and deploy your code to different environments.

For example, let's say you have a development, staging, and production environment. Use a CI/CD pipeline to build and test your code in the development environment, then deploy it to the staging environment for further testing, and finally deploy it to the production environment when it's ready.

  • Use Appropriate Trigger Types

Choose the appropriate trigger type for your function based on the type of event you want to process. Azure Functions supports various trigger types, including HTTP triggers, blob storage triggers, Cosmos DB triggers, and more.

For example, if you want to process an HTTP request, use an HTTP trigger. If you want to process a file uploaded to a storage account, use a blob storage trigger.

  • Use Appropriate Binding Types

Choose the appropriate binding type for your function based on the type of data you want to access. Azure Functions supports various binding types, including input bindings, output bindings, and trigger bindings.

For example, if you want to read data from a storage account, use an input binding. If you want to write data to a database, use an output binding.

  • Use Durable Functions for Long-Running Workflows

Use Durable Functions to create long-running workflows that can span multiple function invocations. Durable Functions provides an extension to Azure Functions that enables you to write stateful workflows in a serverless environment.

For example, consider a workflow that involves multiple steps, such as processing an order, sending an email notification, and updating a database. Use Durable Functions to create a stateful workflow that can track the progress of each step and handle failures gracefully.

  • Use Azure App Configuration 

Use Azure app configuration to manage the commonalty used App Setting by multiple function app . 

Use environment-specific configuration like Dev/Test/Prod etc.

For example, consider multiple function app that needs to access same database. Use a App configuration to store the database connection string, and use the appropriate configuration value relevant Azure functions such that if you need to update connection string the updating at one place will reflect in all function app.

  • Use Unit Testing

Use unit testing to test the individual functions of your Azure Functions application. Write unit tests to ensure that each function behaves correctly and handles inputs and outputs as expected.

For example, write unit tests for each function to ensure that it returns the expected output given a particular input. Use a testing framework such as NUnit, xUnit, or MSTest to write and run unit tests.

These are some best practices for Azure Functions coding that can help you write high-quality, scalable, and maintainable applications.

Azure function app performance issues

 Azure function app performance issues

Azure Function Apps are a popular way to create serverless, event-driven applications that can scale automatically to meet changing demands. However, like any application, Function Apps can experience performance issues that can impact their functionality and user experience. In this blog, we'll discuss some of the common performance issues that can affect Azure Function Apps and ways to address them. 

Cold Start Performance Issues

One of the most common performance issues with Function Apps is cold start times. When a Function App is not in use, the Azure platform will spin down the underlying compute resources to save costs. The first request to the Function App after a period of inactivity will result in a cold start, where the platform needs to spin up the compute resources to run the function. This can result in significant delays in response times, which can be especially problematic for time-sensitive applications. 

To mitigate cold start performance issues, you can use several strategies:

  • Increase the minimum instance count: By increasing the minimum instance count for your Function App, you can ensure that there are always enough compute resources available to handle requests, even during periods of inactivity. This can help to reduce cold start times and improve overall performance. This feature is available for Function Apps running on the Premium hosting plans
  • Enable Always On: The Always On feature of Azure App Service keeps your Function App running continuously, which can help to reduce cold start times. This feature is available for Function Apps running on the Dedicated hosting plans.
  • Use warm-up requests: You can use warm-up requests to proactively warm up your Function App by sending a request to the function before it is needed. This can help to keep the compute resources warm and reduce cold start times. 

Function Execution Time Issues

Another common performance issue with Function Apps is slow function execution times. This can be caused by a variety of factors, including inefficient code, slow network connections, or resource contention. 

To address function execution time issues, you can use several strategies: 

  • Optimize your code: Review your function code to identify areas that can be optimized for performance. This may include optimizing loops, reducing the number of function calls, or caching data to reduce the need for network requests.
  • Use async programming: Use async programming techniques to perform operations in parallel and reduce the time spent waiting for I/O operations to complete.
  • Use appropriate resource allocation: Ensure that your Function App has appropriate resource allocation, including CPU, memory, and network bandwidth. If your function requires more resources than the default allocation, you can increase the instance size or use the Premium or Dedicated hosting plans.

Network Latency Issues

Function Apps can also experience performance issues related to network latency. This can be caused by a variety of factors, including slow network connections, high network traffic, or resource contention. 

To address network latency issues, you can use several strategies: 

  • Optimize data transfer: Optimize the size and format of data transferred between your Function App and other services. This may include compressing data, using efficient serialization formats, or reducing unnecessary data transfer. 
  • Use appropriate resource allocation: Ensure that your Function App has appropriate network bandwidth allocation to handle the expected traffic. If your function requires more network bandwidth than the default allocation, you can increase the instance size or use the Premium or Dedicated hosting plans.

Insufficient Memory

One of the most common causes of Azure Function App performance issues is insufficient memory. If your function app runs out of memory, it can become slow or unresponsive. This can be caused by a variety of factors, including inefficient code, large data payloads, or a lack of resources. 


Optimizing your code and reducing the size of data payloads can help improve performance.

Resource Throttling

Azure Function App is designed to automatically scale up or down based on demand. However, if your app exceeds its resource limits, it can be throttled, causing performance issues.

Solution: You can monitor your Function App's resource usage and set resource limits to prevent throttling. Additionally, you can optimize your code to reduce resource usage and increase efficiency.

Execution Timeouts

Azure Function App has a default execution timeout of 5 minutes. If your function takes longer than this to execute, it can cause performance issues. 

Solution:  You can increase the function execution timeout by going to the Function App settings and increasing the value for the "Function timeout" setting. Additionally, you can optimize your code to reduce execution time. 

Database Connection Issues

If your Function App uses a database, connection issues can cause performance issues. This can be caused by a variety of factors, including network latency, incorrect connection strings, and database throttling.

Solution: You can optimize database connections by using connection pooling, and ensuring that your connection strings are correct. Additionally, you can monitor your database performance to identify and resolve any throttling issues.