Function App | Unable to add function in Function App | Blank screen
- Sometimes you are not able to create a new function under your existing function app.
- Earlier You were able to add new function but now you are not able to add.
- You are able to see only a blank screen.
Analysis :
When You report these types of issue, Please collect the network trace immediately.
Please follow below steps to collect the network traces,
• Hit F12 on your browser
• Refresh browser (F5) - This will clear session caches
• Reproduce the issue.
• Export network trace as HAR file (Save all as HAR on Chrome/Edge/IE)
Once you have network trace then you can open it through Fiddler which will definitely give some information about some of the API failure.
In my case, I observed a lot of API failure for the /api/functions api
While investigating this API failure I observed lot of messages related to Network,
As the message says something about Network I quickly verified the network setting but I was getting this issue in other networks also that means this issue is not pertaining to the network.
I then checked Storage Account for this function.
I further checked and confirmed about unavailability of storage account.
Somehow my storage account was deleted by someone which was causing that issue. I created a new function app and was able to add a new function successfully.
So whenever you face this issue please check the network trace and storage account availability.
Feel free to add/update anything if needed.