Azure app Service | New way to handle configurations

Azure app Service |New way to handle configurations

Azure App Configuration

·       I have 20 app services or components, and all are using same configuration e.g. connection string or any other key/value pair.
·       Why should I store same things in 20 apps?
·       Can I store it in some central repository and access it?
·       The challenges it to keep my setting in various places in today’s distributed architecture.


One solution of all these issues is the new feature which is App configuration.

You can login to Azure portal and search for App Configuration.

App configuration

It’s very easy to create through Azure portal.

Once you create a new App Configuration then you can see it’s basic information in the overview blade.

The most important part is “Configuration explorer” which helps you to create/Modify/delete the app settings or configuration.

App Configuration

It’s very easy to create key/value pair.

Once you are done with it, you can refer “Access Key” section to get the access key which can be used in your application to access the app configuration.

It has lot of other good features like,
·       Import/Export app configuration in/from
o   Config File
o   Other Apps
o   Another App Configuration
·       You can keep track of what has changed.
·       You can compare and restore your settings.
·       You can create it with ARM template also.

It provides the SDK also which you can use in your code to handle everything.

I hope this helps.

Please refer below URLs for more details,

Check Azure App Service dotnet version

Check Azure App Service dotnet version


·       How can I check my app service dotnet version?

·       Verify .net version in app service


Sometimes we want to check which dotnet or .net version is being used in our web app/app service or function app.

You can verify this using following steps,

·       Open your web app-> go to “console

Azure App Service dotnet version

·       Type “dotnet --version” and you can see the result.

·       You can get more information using “dotnet --info” command.

Azure deployment | Remove Additional files at destination

Azure deployment | Remove Additional files at destination

·       I want to remove unnecessary files available in my web app after deployment.


By default, Visual Studio publish option doesn’t delete the additional files available in the web app.
If you want to delete existing content in every deployment then you can refer below screen shot where you need to select the option 

Remove Additional files at destination”

Remove Additional files at destination

You can check same option is also available in DevOps aka VSTS.

Once you select this option then additional files will be deleted in destination and your source code and destination will be in sync.

I believe this helps.

This Azure function app is down for maintenance

This Azure function app is down for maintenance


·       Host is offline?


Sometime when you browse your Azure functions you see this message,

This Azure function app is down for maintenance

Mostly this issue happened after deployment.

The reason for this issue is, app_offline.htm file.

You can find this file inside WWWROOT folder of your KUDU site.

When you deploy your function app or app service, Azure create a temporary app_offline.htm file before starting the deployment. This happens to avoid file lock issue.

Once deployment is successful then KUDU automatically delete this file.

Your app appears offline during the deployment.

Sometimes due to some exception or issue app_offile.htm file is not deleted after deployment which ended up with this issue.

To resolve this issue, you can go to KUDU site-> WWWROOT folder and delete this file.

If you'd like to turn this behavior off, please add an SCM_CREATE_APP_OFFLINE App Setting to your app and set the value to 0.

Azure Functions No Access

Azure Functions No Access


·       I am not able to see any function inside my azure functions.

·       I can see “No Access” message.


Sometimes when you open your Azure Functions you see “No Access” message and not able to access any function inside your function app.

Azure Functions No Access

The most probable reason for this issue is your RBAC role assignment.

If you have reader role assigned in your function app or in that resource group, then you will not able to able to see anything which can be modified. The portal will display (No Access)

A user with “reader” role can view some setting in the function app portal but can’t update/modify anything.

To update/modify something you should have write access.

You can check with your admin or subscription owner who can assign you enough access.

Refer below URL for more details,