Deploy one function in an Azure function app
· Is it possible
to deploy just one function in an Azure function app?
· Can I deploy single
function when there are multiple functions?
· Azure functions
deploy single function?
There are
various ways to deploy your function app e.g.
· Visual Studio,
· Visual Source Code,
· Dev Ops
· Zip Deploy
· ARM Template
but all these
allow us to deploy whole function app as a single unit but not the single or
one function while there are multiple functions available in your function app.
Ideally you
should be deploying the entire function app as a single unit which is the best
practice but sometime if you want to deploy a single function (which is
not recommended) then you can use the REST API which support deploying individual
functions in a limited way.
You need to
send a PUT request to update your function. Please note, in this case your function app
should have been created already.
ID}/resourceGroups/{resource group name}/providers/Microsoft.Web/sites/{function
app name}/functions/MyFunction?api-version=2015-08-01
Again, the use of this API is highly not recommended.
You should instead deploy your entire Function App as a single unit
This answer speaks to the reason I hate the phrase, "best practice."
ReplyDelete"Ideally you should be deploying the entire function app as a single unit which is the best practice..."
Wouldn't it be better to say "Microsoft recommends..." blah blah blah? Saying best practice implies there is not and will not be a better way. I disagree wholesale with the above practice and actually consider it a really crappy practice - I wish there was a better way!
Says who? Being able to deploy individual microservices would be much better than having to deploy 40 microservices that are all part of the same project. Wouldn't you prefer to quickly develop a new microservice (azure function) and deploy it to production a few minutes later without needing to deploy all the other functions in the app along with it? Even if you are using Azure Deployment Slots properly the deployment process is more lengthy, among other negative factors.