Azure app Service zip deployment and number of zip files

Azure app Service zip deployment and number of zip files


·       How many zip files azure app service keep in zip deployment?


Zip deployment is one of the very popular deployment method in Azure app service.
When you deploy your zip files, Azure keeps it inside the kudu site.
By default it keeps only 5 recent zip files but sometime if you want to manage this number e.g. zip file size is large and you can’t afford to have 5 files then you can use following configuration setting.


This setting is useful in both ways e.g. if you want to keep the backup of last few deployment then you can increase it and decrease if you have some size constraint.

Hope this helps.

Azure function is not triggering after deployment or modification

Azure function is not triggering after deployment or modification


·       Why does my azure function sometimes stop being triggered?

·       I just deployed my function and it is not running or triggering.

·       I changed something to function.json but my function stopped triggering after that.


This is very common scenario and many people face this. There is no message on the portal which helps us to identify the cause of this issue.

The primary reason for this issue is related to 2 points,
·       Deployment method
·       Synchronization

For many deployments methods synchronizations happen in backend automatically but for few deployments methods it doesn’t happens as function runtime is not aware of these changes.

If you deploy or change function app through following way then sync must be done manually,
·       FTP
·       App Service Editor
·       KUDU
·       Visual studio cloud explorer.
·       Update file in storage directly.

You can use the following options to sync your function manually,

·       Option 1: Click on the refresh button of your function app?

Azure function is not triggering after deployment or modification

·       Option 2: Go to resource explorer of your function and search for the
o   Sync API

Azure function is not triggering after deployment or modification

o   PowerShell sync command

# Action syncfunctiontriggers

Invoke-AzureRmResourceAction -ResourceGroupName <RG name> -ResourceType Microsoft.Web/sites -ResourceName <fuctionname> -Action syncfunctiontriggers  -ApiVersion 2018-02-01 -Force

·       Option 3: Restart the function app which calls the Sync API internally.

Please verify the deployment method and if this doesn’t solve the issue then reach out to Team Azure.
