How to use azure cloud shell?


How to use azure cloud shell?

Azure Cloud Shell is a browser-based command-line interface (CLI) that provides a convenient and secure way to access the Azure CLI and other command-line tools from anywhere. In this blog, we'll discuss how to use Azure Cloud Shell and some of its key features.


Getting Started with Azure Cloud Shell

To get started with Azure Cloud Shell, you'll need an Azure subscription. You can launch the Azure Cloud Shell by clicking on the "Cloud Shell" button in the top navigation bar of the Azure portal. Alternatively, you can go directly to the Azure Cloud Shell page by visiting

To access Azure Cloud Shell, you can follow these steps:

  1. Open your Azure Portal and click on the "Cloud Shell" icon in the top navigation bar.
  2. If you are using Cloud Shell for the first time, you will need to choose your preferred shell environment (Bash or PowerShell) and configure the storage account to use.
  3. Once you've configured your Cloud Shell environment, you will be presented with a terminal window similar to the following image:

Key Features of Azure Cloud Shell

  • Persistent Storage

Azure Cloud Shell provides a persistent storage location that is tied to your Azure account. This means that any files or data that you create or store in the Azure Cloud Shell will be saved and available to you across sessions. 

  • Pre-Installed Tools

Azure Cloud Shell comes pre-installed with a variety of command-line tools, including the Azure CLI, Azure PowerShell, Git, and many others. This means you can start using the Azure Cloud Shell right away, without having to install any additional software. 

  • Secure and Isolated

Azure Cloud Shell runs in a secure, isolated environment that is backed by Azure Storage. This means that you can be confident that your data and credentials are safe and secure. 

  • Customization

Azure Cloud Shell is highly customizable, allowing you to configure your shell environment to meet your needs. For example, you can install additional tools and configure your shell prompt to display the information that's most important to you. 

  • Integration with Azure Portal

Azure Cloud Shell is tightly integrated with the Azure Portal, allowing you to easily manage your resources and perform common tasks from the command line. For example, you can use the Azure CLI or Azure PowerShell to create, manage, and delete Azure resources directly from the Azure Cloud Shell. 


Azure Cloud Shell is a powerful tool that makes it easy to manage your Azure resources from anywhere. By using Azure Cloud Shell, you can work more efficiently and securely, and take advantage of the rich set of command-line tools available in the Azure ecosystem.

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